Cherie Calbom

Juice Lady's Remedies for Diabetes

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Diabetes is the seventh leading cause of death in America. It affects twenty-nine million people and the potential to affect eighty-six million more who currently have prediabetes. Juicing, green smoothies, and living foods are proven antidotes against this devastating disease and even more, they are preventative devices.   In The Juice Lady’s Remedies for Diabetes Cherie Calbom presents a way to help heal those who suffer from diabetes and lower the risk of diagnosis for those seeking a healthier lifestyle.   This book includes:Recipes for healing teas and juicesGreen smoothies that pack a powerful punch of phytonutrients and antioxidantsRaw food recommendations Exclusive feature: Tips on choosing the best juicer and the best produce, as well as tips for prepping, cleaning, and storing your juices and smoothies, and more!
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