Stuart Crawford

Tank Commander

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Stuart Crawford’s personal memoir traces a military career of 20 years in the 4th Royal Tank Regiment (Scotland’s Own). The narrative records his experiences between joining his Regiment as a young troop leader in West Germany though to his eventual resignation of his commission to stand for the Scottish Parliament when it was reinstated in 1999.
In between times he attended two staff colleges, served under the UN banner in Cyprus, was a staff officer in HQ British Forces Middle East during the first Gulf War, and undertook a research fellowship at Glasgow University investigating and reporting on race relations within the British army. Although regarded in some circles as an iconoclast and maverick, he was destined for higher things when he took the decision to leave the army.
Written in a humorous and occasional whimsical style, there are also many instances of criticism of army practices and discussion on the morality of war. As a keen amateur photographer at the time, the book is illustrated mainly by the author’s own photographs, many of which have not been published previously.
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