John Bingham,Jenny Hadfield

Marathoning for Mortals

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Once considered a feat for superhuman athletes, the marathon is now within every mortal's grasp. Former couch potato John Bingham has joined forces with coach Jenny Hadfield to create a winning plan that works for every mortal--even you.

In Marathoning for Mortals, you'll find the courage to train, the willpower to persevere, and the tenacity to finish one mile after another. John and Jenny stick with you every step of the way, from your first insecure thoughts to your last-minute jitters to your supreme joy at the finish line. In Marathoning for Mortals, you'll find:
8 training programs to run, run-walk, walk-run, or walk the half-marathon and marathonThe advice you need to physically, mentally, and spiritually reach your dreamsTips to help you customize your training, buy the right shoes and apparel, and eat the best foodsGuidance for common motivational, physical, and emotional roadblocks

Join John and Jenny on an amazing transformative journey where the finish line is just the beginning.

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