Michael Bennett

F*ck Feelings

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Heartbroken? Horrible boss? Confidence crisis? Rubenesque body? Anxious? Lonely?
The solution is to find out what’s bothering you and change it, right?
Sorry lady. WRONG.
You aren’t going to suddenly start loving yourself. You aren’t going to just become the Best Version of Yourself. You can’t stop your dad drinking, or your rubbish boyfriend from breaking up with you.
Fact is, there are some things you just can’t change, and will become miserable trying.
Instead, Harvard-educated psychiatrist of 30 years Michael Bennett and his comedian daughter, Sarah, show you how to:
• Stop overthinking
• Make smarter decisions so you can manage whatever life throws at you
• Stick to your values when good luck is nowhere to be found
• Come away from bad situations with your self-respect and sanity intact
They may not promise lifelong happiness, but they do guarantee strength, pride, and a sense of humour.
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  • b4695663262idézett5 évvel ezelőtt
    hat F*ck Feelings can promise you is that there is no situation in life that can’t be endured if you can keep your sense of humor, bend your wishes to fit reality, restrain your feelings, manage bad behavior, and do what you think is right.
  • b4695663262idézett5 évvel ezelőtt
    You can’t go forward, or be helped by treatment, until you accept its impossibility, suck it up, and turn your bullshit wish into a goal that can actually be achieved.
  • b4695663262idézett5 évvel ezelőtt
    you need to accept that life is hard and your frustrated efforts are a valuable guide to identifying what you can’t change.
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