bookmate game
Stephan Collishaw

The Song of the Stork

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A Jewish girl finds refuge with a village outcast during WWII in this “elegantly crafted, beautifully written novel about love, survival and hope” (William Ryan).
In a small Eastern European village, fifteen-year-old Yael is on the run from Nazi invaders. The so-called village idiot, Aleksei is a solitary mute who does not want for company. But as the brutal winter advances, he reluctantly takes Yael in. As she begins to win his trust, a delicate relationship develops between them.
But beyond Aleksei’s remote homestead, the war rages on, and Yael cannot hide forever. A Jewish partisan group is organizing in the woods to mount a counterattack. Torn between her love and her need to fight, Yael must find her voice as the voices around her are being extinguished.
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  • megustasbananamegosztott egy benyomást5 évvel ezelőtt
    👍Érdemes elolvasni

    Kinda hate the ending, it left me hanging :(

  • Linzi Dadamegosztott egy benyomást7 évvel ezelőtt
    👍Érdemes elolvasni


  • selinozgulmegosztott egy benyomást4 évvel ezelőtt
    👍Érdemes elolvasni


  • Aep Hamaraidézett7 évvel ezelőtt
    “I have nothing to do here and cannot imagine what might come. It’s like the future and present have been taken from me, and I’m left only with memories. Sometimes I can picture them, as clear and tangible as if they were here – or rather, I was there. I feel I could reach out and touch them.
  • b3433063841idézettelőző év
    She noticed the shoes, good shoes, leather brogues with fine stitching. Her father’s shoes she was sure. The trousers too.
  • b3433063841idézettelőző év
    Her heart wrenched. “Oh God!” she murmured. The pain felt crushing. The desire to run across the path and fall into her mother’s arms. To hear her father’s quiet voice. To see Josef. To know their home once more.


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