Earl Rae

Your Brain Needs a Hug

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Imbued with a sense of humor, understanding, and hope, Your Brain Needs a Hug is a judgment-free guide for living well with your mind.
My Mad Fat Diary author Rae Earl offers her personalized advice on the A to Zs of mental health, social media, family and friendship. When she was a teenager, Rae dealt with OCD, anxiety, and an eating disorder, but she survived, and she thrived.
Your Brain Needs a Hug is filled with her friendly advice, coping strategies and laugh-out-loud moments to get you through the difficult days. Witty, honest, and enlightening, this is the perfect read for feeling happier and healthier and learning to navigate life without feeling overwhelmed or isolated.
An Imprint Book
A validating, hopeful, and practical guide to mental health… heartfelt and honest… Teens struggling with mental illness will find comfort and valuable information in this superlative guide." —Kirkus Reviews, starred review
Perceptive and accessible.” —Publishers Weekly
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