Jane Eastoe,Georgianna Lane


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This is first follow-up to the Garden Writer’s Guild Award-nominated Vintage Roses. This new title in Pavilion’s series of stylish floral gardening guides celebrates the beauty and versatility of the peony flower.

Peonies have always been a favourite with gardeners and cut-flower fans alike, but in 2016 their popularity went beyond bridal bouquets as the blooms took over social media — their gramming power was so huge this year that by May, Elle UK had already crowned the flowers as ‘The New Avocado’.

First outlining the history of the peony, Peonies is then split into chapters Pure, Dramatic, Romantic and Fragrant, and includes over 50 beautiful varieties as well as detailing when they bloom, their size, and, of course, what they'll look like. From Shawnee Chief to Sarah Bernhardt, you’ll discover an eclectic selection of specimens from those that have the best visual appearance to those with the most fragrant perfume. The final section, Growing and Care, outlines those varieties which are easiest to grow and which produce the best flowers for cutting.

With contemporary commentary on each bloom, easy-to-follow advice and glorious photography, this book will appeal to everyone who appreciates the beauty of the majestic peony.
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