Tom Isbell

The Prey

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The Maze Runner meets The Hunger Games in this heart-pounding trilogy. Orphaned teens, soon to be hunted for sport, must flee their resettlement camps in their fight for survival and a better life. For in the Republic of the True America, it's always hunting season. Riveting action, intense romance, and gripping emotion make this fast-paced adventure a standout debut.
After a radiation blast burned most of the Earth to a crisp, the new government established settlement camps for the survivors. At the camp, these sixteen-year-old “LTs,” are eager to graduate as part of the Rite. Until they learn the dark truth: “LTs” doesn't stand for lieutenants but for Less Thans, feared by society and raised to be hunted for sport. They escape and join forces with the Sisters, twin girls who've suffered their own haunting fate. Together they seek the fabled New Territory, with sadistic hunters hot on their trail. Secrets are revealed, allegiances are made, and lives are at stake. As unlikely Book and fearless Hope lead their quest for freedom, these teens must find the best in themselves to fight the worst in their enemies.
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  • pewpewhaiyahhidézett6 évvel ezelőtt
    Live today, tears tomorrow.
  • pewpewhaiyahhidézett6 évvel ezelőtt
    Wild animals never kill for sport. Man is the only one to whom the torture and death of his fellow creatures is amusing in itself.
    from Oceana, or, England and Her Colonies


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