George Bellairs

The Dead Shall be Raised and The Murder of a Quack

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Mystery crime fiction written in the Golden Age of Murder
“[W]orthy of Agatha Christie at her fiendish plotting best.” Booklist STARRED review
Two classic cases featuring Detective Inspector Littlejohn.
In the winter of 1940, the Home Guard unearth a skeleton on the moor above the busy town of Hatterworth. Twenty-three years earlier, the body of a young textile worker was found in the same spot, and the prime suspect was never found—but the second body is now identified as his. Soon it becomes clear that the true murderer is still at large…
* * *
Nathaniel Wall, the local quack doctor, is found hanging in his consulting room in the Norfolk village of Stalden—but this was not a suicide. Against the backdrop of a close-knit country village, an intriguing story of ambition, blackmail, fraud, false alibis and botanical trickery unravels.
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