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Michael Carroll

The Quantum Prophecy (The New Heroes, Book 1)

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  • Leech Rodeiraidézett6 évvel ezelőtt
    Until now, she’d always been fully conscious while she was in diamond form, aware of everything around her. She would always wait until she knew that it was safe before she reverted to her human form. But this time something different had happened.
  • Leech Rodeiraidézett6 évvel ezelőtt
    Renata had changed into her invulnerable state.
  • Leech Rodeiraidézett6 évvel ezelőtt
    There’s only ever been one superhuman with shape-shifting powers. You’re Façade.”
  • Leech Rodeiraidézett6 évvel ezelőtt
    Brawn or Impervia would have survived any explosion. Energy could have absorbed the blast. Quantum could have just out run it.”
  • Leech Rodeiraidézett6 évvel ezelőtt
    It was said Quantum could move so fast he was able to out run a supersonic jet.
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