Susan Elizabeth Philips

Breathing Room

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She's Dr. Isabel Favor, America's diva of self-help. He's Ren Gage, Hollywood's favorite bad guy. Sometimes you just know that God has a sense of humor. She's lost her money to an unscrupulous accountant, her fiancé to a frumpy older woman, and her reputation to headlines denouncing her as a fraud. Lately it seems Dr. Isabel, America's favorite self-help guru, can fix everyone's life but her own. Even the shelter of a simple stone farmhouse nestled in an olive grove can't provide Isabel with the refuge she needs — not when the townspeople are scheming to drive her away, her plan to restore her good name has come up empty … and a movie star villain with a face to die for refuses to leave her in peace! Viciously handsome and sublimely talented, Lorenzo Gage makes his living killing people … on the silver screen, that is. Despite his success, he hates the feeling that everything he's neglected in life is catching up with him. Then he spots Isabel sipping a glass of wine in a sidewalk café. A good guy wouldn't think of seducing such a tidy-looking woman … but Ren Gage never saw the fun in playing the hero. Sometimes all it takes is a special place … a special love … a little breathing room … for life to deliver all its glorious promise.
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