Michelle Lynn

Dawn Of Rebellion Collection

All three books in 'Dawn Of Rebellion', a series of dystopian sci-fi novels by Michelle Lynn, now available in one volume!

Dawn of Rebellion: Dawn Nolan is a teenage girl from the wrong side of military-controlled London, where criminals are sent to the colonies to work as slaves. When her sister Gabby is taken, Dawn sets out to rescue her, even if it means risking her own life and never seeing London again. But the colonies are a savage place, and the odds are against her.

Day of Reckoning: In a world where safety is an illusion and the government cannot be trusted, two sisters find themselves living in a new kind of prison. With their friends missing or dead, they must navigate a complex web of allies and enemies. The Texans want them to obey, the rebels want them to fight, and the Americans want them to leave. As the war begins, the sisters must choose their side and forge alliances in order to survive in this dangerous new world.

Eve of Tomorrow: In the third book in the series, Dawn must learn to navigate the dangers of leading a rebellion, trusting only those she can rely on. The group faces impossible odds and loss, but they are not alone in their fight. With a dangerous weapon at their disposal, they must stop those who seek to destroy their world and build a new one from the ashes.
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