C.E. White

Trusting God When You're Struggling

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“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” — Matthew 11:28

The world is full of things that undermine our faith. Too often, we push and scramble through life, allowing our feelings to control our decisions, attempting to accomplish things in our own strength, and trusting in worldly wisdom rather than God. This leaves us frazzled, overwhelmed, and grumbling through every difficulty like the Israelites did in the desert.

But we don't have to live that way! The peace God promises is real and available to every believer.

This book tackles many of the obstacles we let come between us and God-things like fear, failure, insufficiency, and expectations. The biblical examples and truths explored will bolster your faith, calm your spirit, renew your strength, and shift your focus from the earthly to the eternal, freeing you to embrace God's rest in all circumstances.
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