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A Joosr Guide to… Hug Your Haters by Jay Baer

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In today's fast-paced world, it's tough to find the time to read. But with Joosr guides, you can get the key insights from bestselling non-fiction titles in less than 20 minutes. Whether you want to gain knowledge on the go or find the books you'll love, Joosr's brief and accessible eBook summaries fit into your life. Find out more at

Whatever business you're in, you might like to think that your customer service is top-notch; in fact, 80 percent of companies believe they deliver superior customer service. So why is it that only 8 percent of consumers agree with this statement?

These days, customers simply expect more-especially the ones who are dissatisfied. Discover the importance of embracing your complainers and learn how best to deal with them. Soon you will be using them as a strategic marketing tool as they help you to generate even more profit, while becoming loyal brand advocates themselves.

You will learn:

· How to deal with different types of “hater”

· How, where, and when to answer complaints

· The importance of embracing online communication platforms and social media.
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  • aliazulkiflimegosztott egy benyomást4 évvel ezelőtt
    👍Érdemes elolvasni


  • Artem Platovidézett5 évvel ezelőtt
    box is a great example of this. They appoint official “ambassadors” from their huge online community. These individuals support other gamers and help troubleshoot their problems in return for extra gaming credit. Research suggests that an approach like this can reduce customer service costs by anything from 10-50 percent.
  • Artem Platovidézett5 évvel ezelőtt
    Then offer your personal contact details (email or phone number) so that you can solve the problem for them directly
  • Artem Platovidézett5 évvel ezelőtt
    so it is important to try to find all mentions of your company on a daily basis.


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