David Patterson

Engineering Long-Lasting Software: An Agile Approach Using SaaS and Cloud Computing, Beta Edition

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  • Володимир Барнаidézett12 évvel ezelőtt
    This book is an opinionated path through the bewildering array of methodologies, languages, tools, and artifact types that collectively make up “software engineering.” The goal is to instill good software habits in students—testability, software architecture, modularity, and reusability—while providing them the gratification of building a working deployed artifact that they themselves (and their peers) would use and find compelling.
  • Володимир Барнаidézett12 évvel ezelőtt
    e students, it’s helpful to use a platform that lets them create compelling apps. As of 2011, there were approximately 4.2 billion mobile phones deployed worldwide, or enough for 3 out of every 5 people on the planet; combined with the explosive growth of SaaS, we believe the future of software is “client
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