Patrick O’Brian

The Ionian Mission: Aubrey/Maturin series, book 8

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«O'Brian is one author who can put a spark of character into the sawdust of time, and The Ionian Mission is another rattling good yarn.» —Stephen Vaughan, The Observer

Jack Aubrey and Stephen Maturin, veterans now of many battles, return in this novel to the seas where they first sailed as shipmates. But Jack is now a senior captain commanding a line-of-battle ship in the Royal Navy's blockade of Toulon, and this is a longer, harder, colder war than the dashing frigate actions of his early days. A sudden turn of events takes him and Stephen off on a hazardous mission to the Greek Islands, where all his old skills of seamanship and his proverbial luck when fighting against odds come triumphantly into their own.
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