bookmate game
Barbara Cartland

A Ghost in Monte Carlo

  • fatimahj07idézett2 hónappal ezelőtt
    With an effort he took his eyes from Mistral to look at the woman at his side. He had never realised before, he thought, how old Violet sometimes looked. He always thought of her as being so young – younger than himself – but now at this moment he could see that middle age was not far away.
  • fatimahj07idézett2 hónappal ezelőtt
    It was also, she was to learn later, the colour and softness of budding mimosa. It was hair which is only found on Anglo Saxons, the fair flaxen hair which goes with the blue eyes and pale complexions of the English.
  • Mary Augustowiczidézett4 évvel ezelőtt
    now he was not certain how near he had been to defeat or annihilation. He was free, that was all that mattered
  • Mary Augustowiczidézett4 évvel ezelőtt
    But now he was safe! Safe and free to return to Cheveron
  • Mary Augustowiczidézett4 évvel ezelőtt
    she asked him to behave honourably towards her, he must do so, whatever the cost to himself
  • Mary Augustowiczidézett4 évvel ezelőtt
    that if she appealed to him to save her good name
  • Mary Augustowiczidézett4 évvel ezelőtt
    had brought him that he realised how terribly afraid he had been of telling her that their love affair was at an end
  • Mary Augustowiczidézett4 évvel ezelőtt
    It was only now in the utter relief that Violet’s decision
  • Mary Augustowiczidézett4 évvel ezelőtt
    that she was weeping not only for Robert but her lost youth
  • Mary Augustowiczidézett4 évvel ezelőtt
    but when they did, they shook her from head to foot, a tempest of utter misery such as she had never experienced in the whole of her life before
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