Michael Z. Lewin

Eye Opener

Indianapolis PI Albert Samson gets his license back just in time to take on a high-profile case in the latest from the Shamus Award–winning author of Missing Woman.
After a confrontation with a cop cost him his PI license, Albert Samson is thrilled to be reinstated. Within hours, he has two new clients and can leave his day job at his mother’s diner behind. But the real payday arrives when he is brought onto the defense team for a man accused of being Indiana’s most notorious serial killer. Of all the private eyes in town, why have the lawyers handpicked Samson for the biggest case to hit Indianapolis in decades? With cash in hand, Samson starts investigating. And what he finds isn’t pretty . . .
“Bemused chuckles follow closely on the heels of horrified gasps” in in this humorous crime novel that concludes the adventures of the charming, smart-mouthed midwestern detective (Booklist).
Eye Opener is the 8th book in the Albert Samson Mysteries, but you may enjoy reading the series in any order.
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