Sun Tzu

The Art of War (Illustrated Edition)

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This is the most important book ever written about warfare and conflict. Lionel Giles translation is the definitive edition. The Art of War can be used and adapted in every facet of your life. This book explains when and how to go to war, as well as when not to. Learn how to win any conflict whether it be on the battlefield or in the boardroom. This deluxe edition contains two versions of The Art of War. The first has no commentary so that you can immerse yourself directly in Sun Tzus work. The second version includes Lionel Giles indispensable commentary.
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98 nyomtatott oldalak
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  • b5427216615idézettelőző év
    accord with their ruler
  • b5427216615idézettelőző év
    (5) Method and discipline
  • b5427216615idézettelőző év
    (1) The Moral Law


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