Do you want to erase failure? Increase your strength? Eliminate fear? Here is the formula condensed from the positive principle. Amazing indeed is the power of words to affect persons and situations. William Lyon Phelps, famed writer and professor of English, said the ten greatest words in the English language are found in a familiar statement from Hamlet: “To be or not to be, that is the question.” Can hardly deny that those words do contain a solemn and far-reaching thought about personal destiny. A well-known Shakespearean actor once declared that the greatest sentence is an eight-word line from an old spiritual: “Nobody knows the trouble I've seen, glory hallelujah!” That a victory over trouble, however gigantic, when accomplished, is certainly worthy of an alleluia! I once spoke on the same program at a convent with a man who delivered a compelling talk in what asserted that the success of any business or enterprise may be explained by a six-word formula. He traced the history of a number of businesses and showed how they owed their success to having carried out the creative idea in this six-word expression: “Find a need and fill it.”