Annie Claydon,Susanne Hampton

From Doctor To Princess

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From Doctor to Princess? by Annie Claydon
The Doctor’s Cinderella by Susanne Hampton
{"strong"=>["He’s her reluctant patient…"], “br”=>[nil], “em”=>["But might she soon be his royal fiancée?”]}
Dr Nell Maitland escaped her unpleasant former boss to become private physician to Dr Hugo DeLeon — who’s also a crown prince! But doctors make the worst patients — especially when they’re as distractingly handsome as Hugo. When her past catches up with her, Nell must fake an engagement with the prince who makes her heart pound! Might she become his princess for real?
{"strong"=>["One magical night…"], “br”=>[nil], “em”=>["…could change their lives for ever!”]}
After her ex leaves her penniless, Nurse Molly Murphy takes an admin job in Dr Ryan McFetridge’s practice. When Ryan needs a date for a charity ball Molly finds herself wearing a gorgeous gown and sipping champagne for one sparkling night. But her Prince Charming guards his emotions closely. Do they dare trust what’s in their hearts and find their own fairytale ending?
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