Anthea Morphitis


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The 2006 bestseller, The Secret, left us feeling uplifted on the possibilities and abundance the Universe can provide us with, but it also left us a little confused.
Anthea Morphitis, the Author of Feel Good And Watch What Happens and a student under Dr Steve G. Jones and Joe Vitale, personally resonated with what was said in The Secret, but felt that there was something missing.
After dedicating 9 years into researching and applying personal experiences, Anthea created a simple 6 step system to fill in the missing pieces to the puzzle. She called this UrLaw.
The Law of Attraction has proven itself to accomplish great things if you know how to work with it, but we often struggle to understand and apply it to our daily lives.
This book comprises of the 6 key Principles to forge a solid foundation to help you achieve permanent life altering results.
This simple process essentially focuses on getting you into the right mindset to organise your thoughts and gain control of accomplishing what you really desire out of life.

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