Mary K McComas

Someday, Somewhere

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Sometimes love comes when you least expect it . . .
Between her career and raising her sister’s orphaned little boys, industrial-planning consultant Jan Harper doesn’t have time for romance. Famous last words. From the moment she meets tall, dark, swoon-worthy Kevin Toliver, she is in danger of losing the one thing she swore never again to give: her heart.
When he walked into the boardroom of Toliver, Inc., Kevin was expecting a man—not a wholesome beauty with painful memories. But the New York entrepreneur is quickly drawn to Jan, even following her back to Pleasant Valley, Colorado, to offer the promotion of a lifetime. Try as she might, Jan can’t deny the powerful attraction between them. Can Kevin help her move beyond the secrets of her past and find that special place where love can thrive and bloom?
Recipient of the Washington Romance Writers’ Outstanding Achievement Award.
This ebook features an extended biography of Mary Kay McComas.
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