June Redfearne

Messages From The Spirit Realm

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Life and the After Life is the fourth book in the channelled series Messages From the Spirit Realm, in which Spirit shares with us much needed information to understand our human existence. In clear and simple language it explains the journey of our soul, both here on Earth and in the Afterlife. Much is shared about the nature of our soul, the process that happens as we pass over and what happens when we reconnect with family and friends
on the Other Side. The existence of twin souls, healing of the soul, and signs that our Loved Ones send us are all
elegantly and beautifully explained. Life and the After Life provides us with further understanding of our complex human lives, and helps us to shed our burdens of grief, guilt and fear that so many of us accumulate along the journey that is our life on Earth. It is a most comforting book to assist anyone who is struggling to come to terms
with the loss of a Loved One.
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