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Tamisin Warner is a normal girl in most senses, with one major exception – she has just grown a rather beautiful set of wings. Concealing her secret at school is her number one priority, until Tamisin realises she is being stalked by strange half-animal, half-human creatures that no one else seems to notice. As the creatures become increasingly threatening, Tamisin is catapulted into another world, where she is not just any fairy but daughter of the fairy queen. Torn between her two lives, Tamisin begins a whirlwind adventure filled with fairies, dance routines and a love interest who is definitely one of the bad guys.
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276 nyomtatott oldalak
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  • Sophia Strahanmegosztott egy benyomást8 évvel ezelőtt

    I hate that you need a premium account. This app SUCKS!!!!!!


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