Vaughn C. Hardacker


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A Boston investigator becomes bait for a madman in this “suspenseful . . . cop-vs.-military thriller” by a Maine Literary Award finalist (Kirkus Reviews).
When a sniper kills four people on Boston Common, homicide detective Mike Houston and his partner Anne Bouchard are sent to investigate the case. A former US Marine sniper and scout, Houston knows in his gut that it’s all too neat, too perfectly executed to be random rage. This was carefully orchestrated chaos and terror—the work of a trained killer. It’s an instinct that leaves Houston with a troubling question: why?
When the next cold-blooded shootings get personal, Houston embarks on a cat-and-mouse game. Relying on his own skills with a scope and trigger, he and Blanchard follow a twisted trail to a remote lake in Maine where nothing is as it seems. And where the games are just beginning.
“From its initial horrific crime to its hold-your-breath climax, Sniper is a full-throttle thriller” of vigilante action, explosive family drama, secrets, and revenge (Steve Ulfelder, Edgar Award–nominated author of the Conway Sax Mysteries).
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