Kory M. Shrum

Dying for a Living Boxset

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This complete boxset includes all seven of the Amazon bestselling Dying for a Living novels: Dying for a Living, Dying by the Hour, Dying for Her: A Companion Novel, Dying Light, Worth Dying For, Dying Breath and Dying Day.
Called “smart, imaginative, and insanely addictive” by New York Times bestseller Darynda Jones, this series is perfect for readers looking for a “unique” and “totally original” experience.
On the morning before her 67th death, it is business as usual for agent Jesse Sullivan: meet with the mortician, counsel soon-to-be-dead clients, and have coffee while reading the latest regeneration theory. Jesse dies for a living, literally. Because of a neurological disorder, she is one of the population's rare 2% who can serve as a death surrogate, dying so others don't have to.
Although each death replacement is different, the result is the same: a life is saved, and Jesse resurrects days later with sore muscles, new scars, and another hole in her memory. But when Jesse is murdered and becomes the sole suspect in a federal investigation, more than her freedom and sanity are at stake. She must catch the killer herself--or die trying.
And that was only the beginning…
Read the complete series today.
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