bookmate game
Jessa James


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He's sworn off women…
until he meets her.

Jack moved to Alaska for a little peace and quiet, but every week temptation arrives in the form of one beautiful but prickly Anna. Just thinking about how well she handles the stick of her float plane has him wondering how well she would handle him. He needs her out of that plane and in his bed.
Anna has a plan…and falling into bed with a sexy, bad boy millionaire hiding out in the woods isn't part of it. She doesn't want to fall in love with a mountain man. She wants out. She's done with the cold, the dark and the lonely nights. Her dream in the lower forty-eight is calling. Her one problem? Jack. When a storm forces her into a dangerous emergency landing, passions flare.
Being stranded in the woods with a lumberjack wannabe shouldn't be a problem. It's just one night. Right?
Warning: Do you love insta-everything? Enjoy a bit of sugary-sweet goodness? If you like your stories sweet, fast and melt-your-panties hot with a possessive alpha male who knows exactly who he wants and how to wake up her wild side…this book is for you.
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