Lex Martin

Dearest Series Boxed Set

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Dearest Clementine (a bestselling romantic comedy)
When Clementine Avery swore off men, she had no idea she'd need real life experience for that romance writing class she accidentally signed up for last spring. Fortunately, sexy RA Gavin Murphy offers to help her find a little inspiration… in the name of academics, of course.
Finding Dandelion (#1 sports fiction and a bestselling sports romance)
Hooking up with that hot guy at the club should've been an easy, panty-melting item to check off Dani Hart's bucket list. But when Dani realizes the hottie is her snarky new roommate's brother, what should've been uncomplicated suddenly isn't.
Kissing Madeline (#1 sports fiction and a bestselling sports romance)
Maddie McDermott is confident no one will stand in her way of becoming a broadcast reporter, not even the subject of her new segments—her hot new neighbor Daren Sloan, the NFL's latest “it boy.” Daren doesn't seem to care that Maddie can't stand him. In fact, he'd love nothing more than to show her that being friends has its benefits.
Includes Dearest Series bonus material and the first chapter of Shameless, my new book that releases on April 26.
This new adult contemporary romance series is recommended for readers 18+ due to mature content.
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