David Grossman

Lion's Honey

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A new literary take on the biblical story of Samson, by the prize-winning author of A Horse Walks into a Bar: “Original and very clever” (The Times, London).
From one of Israel’s most lauded contemporary writers, this book retells the myth of Samson—one of the most tempestuous, charismatic, and colorful characters in the Hebrew Bible.
Few other Bible stories feature as much drama and action, narrative fireworks and raw emotion: the battle with the lion; the three hundred burning foxes; the women he bedded and the one woman that he loved; his betrayal by all the women in his life, from his mother to Delilah; and, in the end, his murderous suicide, when he brought the house down on himself and three thousand Philistines.
This is a remarkable portrait of, in the words of the author, a “lonely and turbulent soul who never found, anywhere, a true home in the world, whose very body was a harsh place of exile.”
“A nice deconstruction of one of the juiciest stories in a work full of racy stuff: the Bible.” —The San Diego Union-Tribune
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