had been paid beforehand, surely, for that loss, in that she looked at me with her two eyes—a thing beyond my deserts. Ay, so it must be.
Bram Van Langenidézett3 hónappal ezelőtt
He started to lay a fire in his stove at noon, and by evening he got it to burn at last. He couldn’t leave the comfortable warmth to go to bed, but sat there till other people got up, lest it should be wasted.
Bram Van Langenidézett3 hónappal ezelőtt
But masonry and digging trenches are but work for the hands; my brain in its idleness was busy all the while with every conceivable idea.
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Only it is such a queer, outlandish life that is lived here, with little crooked fingers, with eyes as of a mouse, and ears filled day and night with the eternal rushing of the waters.
Bram Van Langenidézett4 hónappal ezelőtt
millions of nothings flowing
Bram Van Langenidézett4 hónappal ezelőtt
dull, rushing sound from the forest and the river,
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He it was that had once been as a red-haired wolf among the girls, but now he was thoroughly cowed by age and toil, and had not even a smile.
Bram Van Langenidézett4 hónappal ezelőtt
I found here confirmation of the well-known truth that it is well for a man to have some one over him at his work, that is, if he is not himself in charge as leading man.
Bram Van Langenidézett4 hónappal ezelőtt
I’m afraid you’ve turned my head, bewitched me completely; but I realize it’s hopeless to think of it.
Bram Van Langenidézett4 hónappal ezelőtt
I have been away from all this for many months now, and find it not unpleasant. I spend a morning taking it all in;