Charles Schulz

Everyone Gets Gold Stars But Me!

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Miss Tenure gives out gold stars to everybody. She gives them out for good spelling, attendance, and even for drinking milk. But Peppermint Patty has never gotten a gold star—and she wants one.
But then the teacher’s box of treasured gold stars goes missing, and Peppermint Patty is the main suspect. She enlists the help of Snoopy, the “world-famous attorney,” and goes undercover. She is determined to find the real culprit and earn a gold star fair and square.
Charles Schulz’ Peanuts comic strip charmed and delighted millions of fans—both kids and adults—for more than 40 years. In November 2015, a new 3D Peanuts movie will be released—the first in 35 years.
Just in time for the new movie, this new ebook edition introduces the memorable Peanuts gang—Snoopy, Lucy, Linus, Peppermint Patty, Sally, Marcie, Schroder, Woodstock, and Charlie Brown—to a whole new generation of readers.

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