Yuri Diogenes

Deploying Microsoft® Forefront® Unified Access Gateway 2010

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This book is targeted at information technology professionals, security consultants and firewall administrators who wish to design, develop and implement the Microsoft Forefront security products on their Microsoft and heterogeneous networks.
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337 nyomtatott oldalak
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  • Yaroslav Patrikeevidézett7 évvel ezelőtt
    In competitive markets, microinteractions are even more important. When there is feature parity, it is the experience using the product that increases adoption and brand loyalty.
  • Yaroslav Patrikeevidézett7 évvel ezelőtt
    If the microinteractions are poor, the main features, no matter how nicely done, are surrounded by pain and frustration.


  • Mohamad zainal fanani
    • 116
    • 15
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