Stephanie Diamond,Shiv Singh

Social Media Marketing For Dummies

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Get the last word on the most up-to-date social media marketing techniques If you're not tweeting, Facebooking, or blogging by now, your business is getting left behind. Social media marketing is a highly effective way to engage with your customers. It's an easy, inexpensive way to enlarge your audience, add customers, and build your business. This guide provides an indispensable resource for small businesses and start-ups looking for low-cost online marketing strategies, as well as for marketers in larger companies who want to be more involved with social media. Learn which social media sites best fit your business and how to take full advantage of them.
Explore the many aspects of social media, including reviewing sites, monitoring competitors, and fitting social into your current marketing plans Launch a campaign, develop a voice, reach your audience on key and niche platforms, and embrace the influencers Identify social media sites that appeal to your target audience and learn which social platform works best for which objectives Learn to monitor results and assess your program's effectiveness This straightforward guide is exactly what busy marketers and entrepreneurs need to help them get up and running!
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