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Chris Roebuck

Lead to Succeed: The Only Leadership Book You Need

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Everyone, everywhere is under pressure to work harder. Many of us work to survive and get paid. Bored and trapped, performance is low, family relationships suffer and organisational performance deteriorates. To deliver real success, people must be inspired to be their best. Lead to Succeed shows you how: how to transform both your own and your peoples' performances, whether you’re an individual leader, a leader of leaders or work in HR, IT, finance or marketing. Professor Chris Roebuck introduces ‘Mach 2’ leadership, a programme that works as well for SMEs and not-for-profits as it does for the public sector or large corporations. It creates responsive, efficient, customer-focused and risk optimised organisations, that inspire their employees, please their customers and stakeholders, cherish their environment, enrich their society, AND deliver real success. Mach 2 leadership is proven in the real world; it’s simple, low cost and brings quantifiable benefits quickly, with just two key steps. It’s founded on Roebuck's own experience, and from leadership success stories around the world — his ideas have helped the Red Cross in Myanmar, US investment banks, government organisations in China and the British National Health Service, as well as countless smaller organisations. That’s why this really is the only leadership book you need.
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  • b3370393300megosztott egy benyomást5 évvel ezelőtt
    👍Érdemes elolvasni



  • Katarina Jevticidézettelőző év
    some are even using 19th century-style command and control
  • legaspiolmosidézett2 évvel ezelőtt
    They must always seek to deliver the best for the customer in an effective and efficient way that optimises organisational performance, not just do their own work
  • legaspiolmosidézett2 évvel ezelőtt
    communities of effort and collaboration


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