J.R.,David Cochran,Carl A. “Andy” Reese

Southeastern Geographer

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Table of Contents for Volume 53, Number 1 (Spring 2013)Cover ArtTropical Tree Rings and Environmental Change Grant L. HarleyIntroduction to Southeastern Geographer, Volume 53, Number 1Carl A. Reese and David M. CochranPart I: PapersGasoline Station Morphology on Virginia's Eastern ShoreBradley D. Macpherson and Mark de SocioSix Decades (1948–2007) of Landscape Change in the Dougherty Plain of Southwest Georgia, USA Glenn I. Martin, Jeffrey Hepinstall-Cymerman, and L.Katherine KirkmanSolar Cycle Extremes as a Seasonal Predictor of Atlantic-Basic Tropical Cyclones Brian T. Hutton, Jr., Kelsey N. Scheitlin, and P. Grady DixonImpact of Prescribed Burns on Marsh Surface Elevation: Big Branch Marsh, Louisiana Christopher M. Henton, Carl A. ''Andy'' Reese, Franklin T. Heitmuller,and John Andrew S. FlemingAssessing Potential Urban Tree Planting Sites in the Piedmont of the United States: A Comparison of Methods Krista Merry, Jacek Siry, Pete Bettinger, and J. M. Bowker Making Sense of the Strip: The Postmodern Pastiche of Pigeon Forge, Tennessee Ann FletchallPart II: ReviewsThe Canal Builders: Making America's Empire at the Panama Canal Julie GreeneReviewed by Ashley D. CarseGreen Metropolis: Why Living Smaller, Living Closer, and Driving Less are the Keys to Sustainability David OwenReviewed by Matthew Fry
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