Doug Lamplugh

Murder at Mardi Gras

A Mobile, Alabama, police detective investigates when a body is found along a Mardi Gras parade route in this mystery thriller.
Detective William Boyett is called out on Mardi Gras evening in Mobile, Alabama, to investigate the discovery of a young woman’s body wrapped in a carpet in a vacant lot a few blocks from the parade route.
Over the next two months, Boyett works hard to solve the case, but he’s frustrated by miscalculations and downright incompetence by other members of the law enforcement community. His investigation goes nowhere, and when he’s promoted and transferred back into patrol, the unsolved homicide falls into the cold case status.
A decade later, Boyett is assigned to a newly formed cold case squad. He soon picks up two cases he feels he can solve, one of which is the 2006 Mobile Mardi Gras murder he left behind. Now, with skilled, trusted colleagues at his side, he picks up the trail, determined to find the murderer, never expecting the horrific truth he will uncover.
A seat-of-your pants mystery thriller written by a thirty-year criminal investigator that you will believe is true. Doug Lamplugh brings his experiences with the criminal justice system, as well as his experience with multi-state, multi-jurisdictional investigations to life in this novel. The details of how a criminal investigation can change rapidly will astound you.
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