Katherine Kingsley,Anita Mills,Raine Cantrell,Sherrill Bodine,Tiffany White

Under the Mistletoe

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A stellar group of romance authors lights up the holidays with six festive novels to put you in the Christmas spirit. Charming and dashing, sexy and funny, these six Christmas stories bring couples together around the holidays. From romance stalwarts like Raine Cantrell, Sherrill Bodine, Tiffany White, Katherine Kingsley, and Anita Mills, these gorgeous tales cross time and place to get to the human heart at the center of the season, reminding every reader that the best part of winter happens underneath the mistletoe… Under the Mistletoe includes: The Christmas Ball by Sherrill BodineMore than a Miracle and A Time for Giving by Raine CantrellThe 61 Grinch by Tiffany WhiteThe Sound of Snow by Katherine KingsleyWinter Roses by Anita Mills
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  • Augustidézett3 évvel ezelőtt
    ut…but there’s not a man on my Christmas wish list. I wanted a bread maker—you know, one of those cool bread-and-butter makers.” It really was what she wanted and she felt compelled to expl
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