David Campos

Learning from Latino Role Models

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Learning from Latino Role Models provides teachers with instructional resources that can be easily used in classroom settings so that they are culturally responsive to their Latino students. The book has two parts:

Part I offers 20 sets of activities designed around Latino role models, and aims to help students learn how Latinos offer unique contributions to this nation. It is expected that these resources can help Latino schoolchildren find inspiration to realize their own goals. Part II offers 20 sets of activities around select picture books that reflect the Latino community and cultural heritage.

The activities are designed to help children come to identify with the stories’ controlling themes as they address Latino culture, history, values, and experiences. In all, the instructional sets are complete with questions that motivate critical thinking; activity ideas that reinforce the meaning or the intended message of the story; and vocabulary to enhance students’ communication skills. Additionally, each set comes with corresponding worksheets for the students to complete.
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