David McPhail

Bella Loves Bunny

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A companion board book to Ben Loves Bear, Bella Loves Bunny shares the sweet story of friendship between a little girl and her beloved stuffed bunny rabbit, from morning till night. Bella and Bunny do everything together. In the morning, they play piano and dance (and hop!). In the afternoon, Bella has lunch and Bunny has carrot cake. At night, they pick out Bellas favorite pajamas and snuggle close until they fall asleep. McPhails simple text and heartwarming illustrations come together to make an irresistible book that young readers will fall in love with. Praise for Bella Loves Bunny &quote;A lovely depiction of a first friendship.&quote; Kirkus Reviews &quote;The simple text correlates perfectly with the cozy, comforting art, and most young listeners will be able to retell the story after hearing it.&quote; Booklist &quote;With its softly-hued illustrations and simple story that will remind older readers of the simple joys of childhood, this one has high appeal for little ones who enjoy the special stuffed animal toys with whom they spend their days.&quote; Reading Today Online &quote;This successor to McPhails Ben Loves Bear is a quiet and comforting book, perfect for reading aloud in the last minutes before turning out the lights and saying goodnight.&quote; The New York Times
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