Nora Luke

Baby Bear Cleans His Room

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Children love to play and have fun, but as all parents know, children aren’t as enthusiastic about tidying things up. They’re always so busy with their favorite things that they leave such a mess in their room sometimes.

Baby Bear Cleans His Room is a charming bedtime story for young children, in which they learn how important it is to tidy away their things and keep their rooms clean and neat. This rhyming story also has a series of wonderful color illustrations that are sure to delight young readers.

Three-year-old Baby Bear loves playing in his room, but toys, books, and clothes are scattered everywhere. He doesn’t want to clean his room until one day he loses a favorite toy. Children will identify with Baby Bear as he learns that cleaning his room does have benefits. Baby Bear Cleans His Room also allows parents and teachers to provide children with information in an entertaining way about looking after treasured items and keeping things clean and tidy.

Baby Bear Cleans His Room is a book for bedtime reading with younger children, but older children will also enjoy reading this delightful story on their own.
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