Jennifer Holland

Unlikely Friendships: Dogs

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Man’s best friend picks some surprising buddies in the 37 true stories from this entry in the New York Times bestselling series.
Enhanced with beautiful full-color photographs, these true stories of camaraderie, affection, and remarkable bravery are from the author of the New York Times bestsellers Unlikely Friendships, Unlikely Loves, and Unlikely Heroes, as well as other books and calendars, with nearly two million copies in print.
Meet Rex, a German shepherd who learned to love and trust again through the improbable friendship of a goose. The pit bull named Dolly, whose antics with her best friend, Sheldon the tortoise, include games of tag.
For the millions of dog lovers, this heartwarming and inspirational book celebrates 37 stories of unusual canine companionship.
Praise for Unlikely Friendships: Dogs
“The awh— and awe-inspiring stories and photographs…feature my favorite combinations: canines with all critters furred, feathered, and scaled, dogs with people, and, of course—dogs with dogs. I was amused, moved—and at times astonished. I shouldn’t have been: Dogs rule and these unlikely friendships delight.” —Cat Warren, New York Times–bestselling author of What the Dog Knows
“[Holland’s] well-told tales—from a rescued Chihuahua who pals around with a chicken to a Bernese mountain dog who’s a lifeguard—will remind you of all we love about dogs and why we cannot live without them. Certain to be a big hit with dog lovers everywhere.” —Virginia Morell, New York Times–bestselling author of Animal Wise
“This sweet, beautifully photographed title… will elicit broad smiles from dog lovers and photography fans.” —Library Journal
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