Janet Evans

Dinosaurs: 101 Super Fun Facts And Amazing Pictures (Featuring The World's Top 16 Dinosaurs)

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DINOSAURS: 101 SUPER FUN FACTS AND AMAZING PICTURES ( FEATURING THE WORLD's TOP 16 DINOSAURS) This book depicts the wonder of the world of Dinosaurs in all its glory. Children are given a well-rounded understanding of this fascinating creature: its anatomy, feeding habits and behavior. The following dinosaurs and pre-historic creatures are featured: Allosaurus Brachiosaurus Deinonychus Diplodocus Elasmosaurus Kentrosaurus Peteinosaurus Plateosaurus Pteranodon Stegosaurus Tylosaurus Tyrannosaurus Triceratops Velociraptor Spinosaurus Archaeopteryx The description in the large text is simple enough for early readers or for a parent to guide a child through. There is also a picture caption, which provides more information to talk about with your child. Alternatively, a child of any age (even the child in you) can just look at the images and appreciate its beauty. Do enjoy!
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