bookmate game
Kate Burton,Brinley Platts

Boost Your Confidence In A Day For Dummies

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Take positive steps to develop your confidence in all areas of your life
Boost Your Confidence In a Day will help you to discover your confident self and become more effective in your day-to-day life. Designed to contain a day’s reading, this handy guide helps you to assess your current confidence levels, identify the obstacles that are holding you back, and to connect with your emotions and values to help you live a happy, confident life.
Open the book and find:
A reminder of the key ingredients of confidence Practical guidance for assessing your confidence levels Ways to move on from the grip of negative emotions How to handle your emotions and identify your values Top tips for living a powerful, confident life
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  • Ainura Yelibayevaidézett7 évvel ezelőtt
    s important to rise above any negative criticism, stay true to yourself and hold on to your own choices. You can’t please all the people all the time, however hard you try.
  • Ainura Yelibayevaidézett7 évvel ezelőtt
    for each end’s value.
    Using your affirmations can ensure that you feel the way you want to feel most of the time, and it eliminates the values
  • Ainura Yelibayevaidézett7 évvel ezelőtt
    A key element in incorporating any new skill is making practical use of it. You’ve a clear sense of where you want to get to, you know what needs to be done, but you need to build your capabilities and devise strategies for doing it consistently.
    You have to test your confidence


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