He treated Root exactly as he treated prime numbers. For him, primes were the base on which all other natural numbers relied; and children were the foundation of everything worthwhile in the adult world.
sanidézett25 nappal ezelőtt
Life isn't going to be easier, nor is anyone going to make a fortune, just because they know something about prime numbers
sanidézettelőző hónap
Still, you refuse to give up
sanidézettelőző hónap
staggering on step by step, determined to continue the search ... until you see it at last, the oasis of another prime number, a place of rest and cool, clear water...."
sanidézettelőző hónap
We called him the Professor.
Kateidézettelőző év
he believed that mistakes were often as revealing as the right answers. This gave us confidence even when our best efforts came to nothing.
Faridahidézett3 évvel ezelőtt
they were almost off-putting.
Faridahidézett3 évvel ezelőtt
The mention of money was probably nothing more than a smoke screen.
Gabrysia Kowaczidézett4 évvel ezelőtt
spill a great deal
Лика Меликсетянidézett4 évvel ezelőtt
"So you think that zero was there waiting for us when humans came into being, like the flowers and the stars? You should have more respect for human progress. We made the zero, through great pain and struggle."