Juan Pablo Villalobos

Down the Rabbit Hole

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Tochtli lives in a palace. He loves hats, samurai, guillotines and dictionaries, and what he wants more than anything right now is a new pet for his private zoo: a pygmy hippopotamus from Liberia. But Tochtli is a child whose father is a drug baron on the verge of taking over a powerful cartel, and Tochtli is growing up in a luxury hideout that he shares with hit men, prostitutes, dealers, servants and the odd corrupt politician or two. Down the Rabbit Hole, a masterful and darkly comic first novel, is the chronicle of a delirious journey to grant a child's wish.
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  • Evelyne Urvanulchaermegosztott egy benyomást4 évvel ezelőtt


  • Evelyne Urvanulchaeridézett4 évvel ezelőtt
    naco – a derogatory Mexican term, quite close to the English slang word ‘chav’. It means a vulgar person with no class, style or education, and tends to be used by people from the dominant class to refer to those of the lower class, although it is malleable and can also be used about ‘new money’.
  • Evelyne Urvanulchaeridézett4 évvel ezelőtt
    When we sat down to eat on the terrace it wasn’t an enigmatic moment like before, because Alotl spent the whole time talking about her village and making jokes.
  • Evelyne Urvanulchaeridézett4 évvel ezelőtt
    It’s to do with being a Gringo, arrogant people who think they own the world. At least that’s what Mazatzin says in his lectures.


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