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Rose Rosetree

Magnetize Money with Energetic Literacy

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Why do Law of Attraction practices often produce the opposite of what is promised?

Which subconscious patterns show in the auras of the world’s richest people — and how can you develop those patterns as well?

Extensive research with Stage Three Energetic Literacy reveals spiritual secrets about what really works for making money. Also what doesn’t.

Benefit from unique energetic workarounds and practical skills, clearly presented in this how-to designed for effective skills for making money in The Age of Awakening. Along the way, you will progress on your personal path to Enlightenment.

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  • b0116507110idézett8 évvel ezelőtt
    Real and lasting change and success always emerge by first choosing your state and then setting a clear intention for what you want to achieve. They require something more, though, to actually yield results. That “something more” is inspired action.
    — Deanna Davis, Ph.D., The Law of Attraction in Action


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