Harvard Business Review,Erin Meyer,Jon R.Katzenbach,Adam Grant,Boris Groysberg

HBR's 10 Must Reads on Building a Great Culture (with bonus article “How to Build a Culture of Originality” by Adam Grant)

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You can change your company's culture.
Organizational culture often feels like something that has a life of its own. But leaders are the stewards of a company's culture and have the power to shape and even change it.
If you read nothing else on building a better organizational culture, read these 10 articles. We've combed through hundreds of Harvard Business Review articles and selected the most important ones to help you identify where your culture can be improved, communicate change, and anticipate and address implementation challenges.
This book will inspire you to:
See what your company culture is currently like--and what it could beExplore your company's emotional cultureGather input on what needs to be fixed or initiatedImprove collaborationFoster a culture of trustArticulate the new culture's mission, values, and expectationsDeal with resistance and roadblocksThis collection of articles includes “The Leader's Guide to Corporate Culture,” by Boris Groysberg, Jeremiah Lee, Jesse Price, and J. Yo-Jud Cheng; “Manage Your Emotional Culture,” by Sigal Barsade and Olivia A. O'Neill; “The Neuroscience of Trust,” by Paul J. Zak; “Creating a Purpose-Driven Organization,” by Robert E. Quinn and Anjan V. Thakor; “Creating the Best Workplace on Earth,” by Rob Goffee and Gareth Jones; “Cultural Change That Sticks,” by Jon R. Katzenbach, Ilona Steffen, and Caroline Kronley; “How to Build a Culture of Originality,” by Adam Grant; “When Culture Doesn't Translate,” by Erin Meyer; “Culture Is Not the Culprit,” by Jay W. Lorsch and Emily Gandhi; “Conquering a Culture of Indecision,” by Ram Charan; and “Radical Change, the Quiet Way,” by Debra E. Meyerson.
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