Emily Miller

Brand New Human Being

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This “compelling” novel of a family in crisis offers a “realistic portrayal of trauma and its aftermath” (The Washington Post).
Stay-at-home dad Logan Pyle is holding his life together by a thread. His larger-than-life father, Gus, has just died; his wife is distant; and his kindergarten-age son has regressed to drinking from a baby bottle and sucking his thumb.
Complicating matters further is Bennie, his father’s beautiful young widow—with whom Logan has a troubled past. When the thread finally snaps, Logan’s actions threaten to tear the family he treasures apart.
From the author of The News from the End of the World, this “introspective and honest” novel that follows one man’s journey from child to parent is “sometimes funny, sometimes heartbreaking, but always a worthy, exciting read” (Siobhan Fallon, author of You Know When the Men Are Gone).
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