Priscilla Masters

Bridge of Sighs

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Two violent suicides leave Coroner Martha Gunn with some disturbing questions to answer — but the most difficult one of all lies closer to home . . .
Gina Marconi was a beautiful young barrister with everything to live for — a loving fiancé, a young son and a successful career. So why did she leave her home in the middle of the night and drive her car into a stone wall?
Soon afterwards, Patrick Elson, a clever twelve-year-old schoolboy, jumps off a bridge on to the A5. The victims are unrelated, but neither suicide makes sense. Could there be a connection? Then there’s a third unexplained death: DI Alex Randall’s wife, Erica. With Alex on gardening leave pending an investigation, Martha must search for answers to the questions raised by the suicides on her own. Not only that, she must confront the most difficult question of all: could Alex Randall be a murderer?
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